
  1. 3. Describes the nutrition of packaged foods
  2. 7. Discover through close examination
  3. 8. A unit of measurement of energy
  4. 9. A long term objective
  5. 10. Throwing forcefully with aim
  6. 12. One of the main nutritional groups that supports muscles
  7. 13. Required for sustained physical or mental activity
  8. 14. The act of establishing who or what something is
  1. 1. A claim made in regards to a food
  2. 2. A short or striking phrase
  3. 4. To talk about something
  4. 5. The most common forms of this are sugars, fibres and starches
  5. 6. To make something clear or easy to understand
  6. 11. A clear expression in speech or writing