
  1. 3. Name given for undigested foods.
  2. 5. A person who does not consume meat fish or eggs in the diet
  3. 7. Keeping the body fit_______________
  4. 8. Shortage of Iron in the diet
  5. 12. ________________ helps to fight off diseases.
  6. 14. Method of preserving foods
  7. 15. First meal of the day__________________
  8. 16. _______________feed to small children and animals
  9. 17. _____________the ability to do work
  1. 1. Eggs, peas and beans are rich in this____________
  2. 2. Substance in foods that our body needs
  3. 4. soluble Nutrients that dissolve easily in water
  4. 6. Professional in the food industry
  5. 9. Energy-giving nutrient
  6. 10. _______________ helps in the making of red blood cells.
  7. 11. Foods can be eaten in _______________ or solid
  8. 13. To remove water from foods