
  1. 3. the part of foods eaten that is not digested but that passes through the body and is excreted as waste
  2. 4. an illness of the body issue that is caused by not having enough vitamin C
  3. 6. to fill something up again
  4. 9. having healthful substances added
  5. 10. a system in the body, consisting of kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra
  6. 11. a very thin tube, especially one of the smaller tubes that carry blood around the body
  7. 13. the bitter, yellow liquid produced by the liver that helps to digest fat
  8. 15. extreme tiredness or weakness
  1. 1. the state of not having, or not having enough, of sth that is needed
  2. 2. a system in the body, consisting of heart, vessels and blood
  3. 5. one of several substances, such as sugar or starch, that provide the body with energy
  4. 7. the process in which blood changes into a solid state to form a thick mass or lump
  5. 8. an expert on the subject of nutrition
  6. 12. a plant that has its seeds in a pod, such as the bean or pea
  7. 14. a long, white vegetable with green leaves on top that tastes and smells like an onion