
  1. 5. the chemical reaction in which elements combine with oxygen
  2. 6. the temperature at which each atom donates only one electron to form the bond
  3. 8. pockets of fat storing cells
  4. 12. a fat in which most of the fatty acids are saturated.
  5. 13. a fat in which most of the fatty acids are unsaturated
  6. 16. a compound similar to a triglyceride but with a phosphorus containing acid in place of one of the fatty acids
  7. 18. the term that describes the unpleasant flavors that develop as fats oxidize in food
  8. 19. a chemical process in which hydrogen is added to unsaturated fats molecules, breaking some double bonds and replacing them with single bonds
  9. 20. a buildup of plaque along the inner walls of the arteries
  1. 1. a mixture of two liquids containing droplets that don't normally blend with each other
  2. 2. a lipid, specifically a sterols found in humans and animals and made from glucose or satterated fatty acids.
  3. 3. a family of chemical compounds that are a main component in very living cells.
  4. 4. a mound of lipid material mixed with calsium and smooth muscle cells
  5. 7. Omega 3 Omega 6 Omega 9
  6. 9. a group of naturally occurring unsaturated steroid alcohols
  7. 10. the distinctive quality that comes from a foods unique blend of appearance,taste,order,feel,and sound
  8. 11. also known as fatty acids
  9. 14. the largest class of lipids
  10. 15. a group consisting of carbon bonded to oxygen by a double covalent bond to a hydroxyl group with a single bond.
  11. 17. large complex molecules of lipids and protein that carry lipids in the blood