
  1. 2. the number of different B vitamins
  2. 5. a yellow fruit that contains potassium
  3. 6. salty foods contain this mineral
  4. 9. the amount of energy stored in food
  5. 11. the largest food group
  6. 12. chicken, beef, and eggs are in this food group
  7. 14. this mineral is added to salt
  8. 15. this mineral helps build red blood cells
  9. 16. the ability to do work
  10. 17. grapes and oranges are in this food group
  1. 1. dark green ones give you lots of nutrients
  2. 3. this mineral helps your body absorb calcium
  3. 4. a mineral found in shellfish
  4. 6. a source of Vitamin D that is not food
  5. 7. another name for this group is dairy
  6. 8. the mineral that helps build strong bones
  7. 10. an orange vegetable that contains Vitamin A
  8. 13. the kind of fruits that contain the most Vitamin C