
  1. 4. high blood pressure
  2. 7. a state of good health with optimal body function
  3. 10. process in which nutrients are used by cells for tissue building
  4. 11. process by which the body breaks down food into smaller parts
  5. 12. arteries are narrowed by accumulation of fatty substances on their inner surfaces
  6. 13. metabolic disease caused by an insufficent secretion or use of insulin
  7. 14. nutrients that provide the most concentrated form of energy
  1. 1. major source of readily usable human energy
  2. 2. all body processes relating to food
  3. 3. condition in which bones become porous and break easily
  4. 5. indigestive form of plant carbohydrate
  5. 6. process by which blood or lymph capillaries pick up digested nutrients
  6. 8. rhythmic, wavelike motion of muscles
  7. 9. organic compounds commonly called fats and oils