
  1. 3. This happens when your body doesn't get the vitamins it needs
  2. 4. These types of carbs make things taste sweet
  3. 5. These types of fats are usually solid at room temperature
  4. 8. This is where your body gets most of its energy
  5. 9. What does your body like to turn all carbs into?
  6. 12. There are nine of these types of acids
  7. 13. Most cooking oils are this type of fats.
  1. 1. This is 3 fatty acids linked with a glycerol
  2. 2. These are found in lakes streams and oceans
  3. 6. Type of fats that companies turn into saturated fats.
  4. 7. This makes up 60% of your body
  5. 10. These measure energy in food
  6. 11. The study of how your body uses the food you eat