
  1. 3. The non-digestible part of complex carbs that aids in moving food through the digestive tract and prevents cardiovascular disease and cancer
  2. 4. T/F Enriched flour is made out of whole grains
  3. 9. The worst kind of “empty calories” drink
  4. 12. An example of a dehydration
  5. 16. How many pounds a person gain after overconsuming 3,500 calories?
  6. 17. Information about nutrients and serving sizes
  7. 19. Illness where the pancreas does not make enough insulin
  8. 20. Food that are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs; but are calorie-dense
  9. 21. Organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and are required in small quantities
  10. 24. Processed meats such as cold cuts, bacon, and hot dogs can cause this disease
  11. 25. Unit of energy
  12. 26. Bad cholesterol
  13. 27. Mineral over-consumed in the United States and that causes high blood pressure
  14. 30. Nutritionists recommend that 45 to 65 percent of a person’s daily calorie intake come from this nutrient
  15. 32. Mineral used for muscle contraction, blood clotting, and bone strength
  1. 1. Disease that develops when a person does not consume enough iron
  2. 2. Inorganic micronutrients
  3. 5. Building blocks of protein
  4. 6. The most abundant substance in the human body
  5. 7. Kernel's outer layer is full of fiber, B vitamins, and minerals
  6. 8. Type of exercise that increases metabolism
  7. 10. Nutrient that has a high thermic effect of food
  8. 11. Good cholesterol
  9. 13. Eating foods with high fructose corn syrup stimulates …
  10. 14. The half of a healthy balanced plate should be made of this food
  11. 15. One of the best complex and nutrient-dense carbohydrate foods
  12. 18. Food that uses the entire kernel and contains most of the original nutrients
  13. 22. 1 gram provides 7 calories
  14. 23. The body loses these minerals due to heavy perspiring
  15. 28. Fats that help fight heart disease
  16. 29. One of the substances in the formation of plaque and atherosclerosis
  17. 31. Refined carbohydrates lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar and insulin __________