
  1. 4. The condition of the body and the degree to which it is free from illness, or the state of being well.
  2. 9. The study of food and how it nourishes the body and the influence it has on our health.
  3. 11. The building block of carbohydrates.
  4. 12. The building block of proteins.
  5. 14. Main source of energy for the body.
  6. 15. It is the unit of measurement of energy in food.
  7. 16. A condition that arise due to insufficient amounts of fiber and water intake.
  1. 1. Complex organic molecules needed in small amount.
  2. 2. Refers to all the chemical reactions taking place inside an organism's body.
  3. 3. Normal intake of food on a daily basis.
  4. 5. Inorganic substances that do not provide energy but are important for different bodily functions.
  5. 6. Edible food which are normally in solid or liquid form that can be eaten cooked or raw. It also Provides nutrients in the body
  6. 7. The major nutrient that is found in food from animal group, legumes and nuts.
  7. 8. The indigestible fibrous material found in vegetables and fruits.
  8. 10. Macronutrients that provide energy and support cell function.
  9. 13. The substance that one get from food eaten that nourishes the body.