
  1. 4. Helps to regulate body temperature
  2. 6. Protein food that provides good source of Vitamin A & Iron
  3. 9. Mineral that builds strong bones/teeth
  4. 11. Another name for Vitamin B2
  5. 12. Non-food source of vitamin D
  6. 13. Orange vegetable that contains Vitamin A
  7. 15. Another name for Vitamin C
  8. 17. Deficiency in iron
  1. 1. Sources include citrus fruits
  2. 2. Helps with eye health
  3. 3. Another word for fibre
  4. 5. Repairs & grows muscles
  5. 7. Type of carbohydrate that is indigestible
  6. 8. Works with calcium to build strong bones & teeth
  7. 10. Main function is to supply energy
  8. 14. Source includes salt & seafood
  9. 16. Sources include oil, margarine, fat