
  1. 3. Example of a healthy fat.
  2. 5. There are this many key nutrients.
  3. 7. A mineral that helps build strong bones & teeth.
  4. 9. The main building blocks of the body.
  5. 10. Food that has the nutrients stripped from it.
  6. 12. Empty calorie foods.
  7. 15. The human body is made up of more than 60% of this.
  8. 16. Protein that a vegetarian might eat.
  9. 18. A substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life.
  10. 19. Found in the earth; helps with growth.
  11. 22. A fruit.
  1. 1. A unit of energy found in food and drinks.
  2. 2. Gives consumers important information about food.
  3. 4. A nutrient essential for growth and disease prevention.
  4. 6. Amount of food you choose to eat.
  5. 8. A fancy word for 'salt'.
  6. 11. Foods with a lot of energy but few nutrients.
  7. 13. Has a lot of nutrients.
  8. 14. The body's main source of energy.
  9. 17. The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
  10. 20. Helps cushion organs and absorb minerals.
  11. 21. Suggested amount to eat.