
  1. 5. The heating of milk to kill bacteria
  2. 6. An eating disorder where a person makes themselves throw up after eating.
  3. 9. An attack on the body's immune system.
  4. 11. The healthiest type of fat.
  5. 13. _____ eating is when a person continues to eat past the point of being full
  6. 14. Type of protein that possesses all the necessary amino acids
  7. 15. The mixing of two food groups is called cross _________
  8. 16. An eating disorder that causes a person to have extremely low body weight.
  1. 1. Type of fat found in butter and red meat
  2. 2. Mineral typically found in bananas.
  3. 3. Having an _______ affects bowel movements as the body cannot handle the food
  4. 4. Lack of calcium leads to _____
  5. 7. Type of protein that doesn’t possess all the required amino acids.
  6. 8. _____ fats are found in fried/processed foods
  7. 10. The need to eat
  8. 12. The desire to eat