Nutrition and Hydration

  1. 3. is trigged by limitations beyond their control
  2. 5. used for cardiac patients
  3. 7. also called abdominal thrusts
  4. 9. the person will have a name band, can state their name and use picture id
  5. 10. needed to bone and tooth formation, nerve and muscle function, and fluid balance
  6. 11. is the forgotten nutrient
  7. 12. is placing your hand over a residents hand and guiding them to do a task
  8. 17. watering eyes after eating
  9. 18. provides several fatty acids the body can not produce.
  10. 19. sanitizers can be used to sanitize hands
  11. 21. requires assistance with opening packages, pouring liquids
  12. 24. is documenting dietary intake
  13. 25. decay poor nutrition
  14. 28. is working to restore abilities
  15. 30. help the body to metabolize food, boost immunity support normal growth and development
  16. 32. reduce the risk of heart disease, oatmeal, brown rice
  17. 33. build and repair tissue
  18. 34. the nurse will inform the LNA as to the level of support a resident needs
  19. 35. is a tool used in planning a health balanced diet
  20. 36. diet for those with gastric or intestinal disorders
  1. 1. offer if resident doesn't like the meal
  2. 2. may protect against certain cancers and reduce the risk of kidney stones and bone loss
  3. 4. is food that is ground to a paste
  4. 6. soft is chopped ground food
  5. 8. provide energy and fiber
  6. 13. a verbal and or physical stimulus to prompt resident to start or continue eating
  7. 14. occurs when food or fluid goes into the lungs
  8. 15. used to manage diabetes
  9. 16. there are 2 levels, standard and transmission
  10. 19. is beneficial at any age
  11. 20. the nutrient needed in the greatest amount
  12. 22. needed for tissue growth and repair
  13. 23. help to build and maintain bone mass
  14. 26. not enough fluid
  15. 27. when a resident holds food in their mouth or cheek
  16. 29. reduce stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes broccoli, carrots, peas
  17. 31. provides energy, gives food flavor, and help the body to use certain vitamins