- 3. Cerebral (brain) hemorrhage
- 5. Found in the chromosomes of DNA: help to regulate genetic activity
- 7. Type 1 diabetes is an ______ disorder, in which the immune system attacks the body.
- 10. Hardening of the arteries
- 13. High blood pressure
- 14. Includes proteins and other molecules that associate and interact with DNA
- 1. CVD risk factors that include age, gender, and heredity
- 2. Coronary (heart) hemorrhage (two words separated by an underscore or _)
- 4. Suspected contributor to disease (two words separated by an underscore or _)
- 6. Disorder that disrupts normal body or organ functioning
- 8. B vitamin that helps to transfer methyl groups
- 9. Compounds found in foods that promote cancer if consumed in large amounts
- 11. Mineral found in lower amounts in the DASH diet when compared to the typical American diet
- 12. Medication that may be included as part of the treatment plan for diabetes