nutrition crossword

  1. 1. can be found in fruits and vegetables
  2. 6. The body uses this as fuel
  3. 7. needed for enzyme activity
  4. 9. used to measure energy your body uses
  5. 12. this substance can be good and bad for you
  6. 14. a persons habit of eating
  7. 15. maintain body cell and tissue
  8. 17. if you eat to much of this your blood pressure may be high
  1. 2. concentrated source of energy
  2. 3. sometimes known as blood sugar
  3. 4. breaks down food into nutrition
  4. 5. a guide to good health
  5. 8. your body can't digest this
  6. 9. helps build strong teeth and bone
  7. 10. the forgotten nutrition
  8. 11. Bananas contain a lot of this
  9. 13. storage form of energy
  10. 16. if this is to low you can have low oxygen