Nutrition Crossword

  1. 2. solid at room temperature (shortening)
  2. 3. We are known as a country of ________, and our food waste is extremely high.
  3. 7. Major source of human energy
  4. 8. The way our bodies use the food we eat to get energy.
  5. 9. found in all body tissues
  6. 12. Food energy, promotes growth, repairs cells, and regulates body processes.
  7. 13. To lose weight, you have to _______ fewer calories than you burn in a day.
  8. 15. Plays an important role in the function of cell membranes
  9. 19. Healthy weight loss is about _________
  10. 20. is understanding how much a serving size of food is and how many calories or how much food energy a serving contains.
  11. 21. Food is_______
  1. 1. (BMR) is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment, in the post-absorptive state (meaning that the digestive system is inactive, which requires about twelve hours of fasting).
  2. 4. Vitamins are __________ compounds that are essential to life
  3. 5. Regulates body temp.
  4. 6. are liquid or soft at room temperatures (oils)
  5. 10. Made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen – but contain more oxygen than carbohydrates
  6. 11. Basic components of all body cells
  7. 14. allow the body to utilize vitamins
  8. 16. good cholesterol
  9. 17. This is a form of fat made in the body.
  10. 18. bad cholesterol.