Nutrition crossword.

  1. 7. It's deficiency causes cheilosis,glossitis and angular stomatitis.
  2. 9. Poor man's meat.
  3. 11. Another name for Vitamin E.
  4. 13. Diabetics assess this parameter before consuming any food.
  5. 14. Richest Source of Vitamin C.
  6. 16. Commonly eaten vegetable which is a goitrogen.
  7. 17. A fungus known to infest groundnut.
  8. 18. Foods that restore gut microbiome.
  1. 1. Derived lipids synthesized endogenously.
  2. 2. Present in whole grains and legumes, it's presence interferes with iron absorption.
  3. 3. Ancient Indian technique of preserving nutritive quality of rice.
  4. 4. Stimulant present in chocolate.
  5. 5. Spots seen in Vitamin A deficiency.
  6. 6. Technique used for defluoridation of water.
  7. 8. Toxin present in Argemone oil.
  8. 9. Failure to achieve expected height/length.
  9. 10. Essential fatty acid abundant in vegetable oil.
  10. 12. Cereal known to be pellagragenic.
  11. 15. Common adulterant in Ghee.
  12. 16. Indigestible carbohydrate which contributes to dietary fibre.