Nutrition Crossword

  1. 6. Building blocks of teeth and bones.
  2. 9. Foods Foods high in nutrients but low in calories.
  3. 10. An indigestible carbohydrate.
  4. 12. Metabolic Rate The number of calories needed to maintain basic body functions.
  5. 15. Vegetarian A vegetarian that also eats dairy and eggs.
  6. 16. A natural physical drive that protects you from starvation.
  7. 18. Eating Disorder A disorder in which the affected often consumes large amounts of food all at once.
  8. 19. An eating disorder, also known as the "binge and purge" disorder, where the bulimic consumes large amounts of food, then purges it from the body (usually through vomiting).
  1. 1. Supplements Supplements (taken often as pills) that can provide small amounts of a certain vitamin, mineral, or other nutrients.
  2. 2. The ratio of height and weight that doesn't take into consideration muscle weight.
  3. 3. Sodium, Calcium, and Potassium are examples of this.
  4. 4. The practice of abstaining from meat for various reasons.
  5. 5. Body Mass Made up of the muscles, organs, skin, hair, and fluids of the body.
  6. 7. Substances from the environment that the body can't make.
  7. 8. The conversion of food to energy and nutrients.
  8. 11. Responsible for making hemoglobin in the body.
  9. 13. An eating disorder where the fear of being obese causes weight loss and self-imposed starvation.
  10. 14. Regulates fluid balance, nerve signals, and muscle contractions.
  11. 17. Occurs when a person's BMI is over 30, taking in more calories than are burned.
  12. 20. Acids The building blocks of protein.