Nutrition & Diets

  1. 4. Process by which blood or lymph capillaries pick up digested nutrients
  2. 8. Inorganic elements found in body tissues
  3. 9. h2o makes up 60% of the body
  4. 10. All body processes relating to food
  5. 12. 22 amino acids make up proteins
  6. 13. Process by which nutrients are used by cells for tissue building, providing energy, regulating body functions
  7. 15. Nutrients Composed of chemical elements found in food
  8. 16. metabolic rate (BMR) Rate at which body uses energy for tissue maintenance
  9. 17. Personalized plan for healthy food choices
  10. 18. Body breaks down food, changes food chemically, moves food through digestive system
  11. 20. Indigestible form of plant carbohydrate, provides bulk in digestive tract
  1. 1. status State or condition of one’s nutrition
  2. 2. fats and oils
  3. 3. starches and sugars
  4. 5. moves food through digestive tract
  5. 6. Sterol in body cells and animal products
  6. 7. BMI less than 18.5
  7. 11. Organic compounds essential to life
  8. 14. State of good health and optimal body function
  9. 19. and obesity BMI of 25 to 29.9 (overweight) or greater than 30 (obesity)