Nutrition & Disease

  1. 4. Common form of arthritis; the wear and tear of joints
  2. 6. Abbreviation for heart attack
  3. 7. High blood pressure
  4. 8. Abbreviation for cerebrovscular accident
  5. 9. A disease in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue.
  6. 10. A life-threatening eating disorder that is characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss.
  7. 12. This group of disorders occurs when your body can't take up sugar (glucose) into its cells to use as fuel
  1. 1. An eating disorder characterized by "binging and purging"
  2. 2. Hole in the tooth
  3. 3. A build up of cholesterol plaque in the walls of arteries causing obstruction of blood flow.
  4. 5. Another word for CVA
  5. 11. Intermittent episodes of pauses in breathing;