Nutrition in Plant

  1. 2. The process by which the green plants produce own food
  2. 4. Green pigment present in the leaves
  3. 6. Rich in nitrogen
  4. 11. It gives blue-black colour in presence of starch
  5. 13. Aquatic plant
  6. 14. Fungi used for making medicines
  7. 15. A total parasitic plant
  8. 19. Plant require nitrogen to make
  9. 20. Pores present on the underside of the leaves
  1. 1. leaves having colours other than green
  2. 3. Insectivorous plant
  3. 5. Plant like organism which do not have proper roots
  4. 7. Bacteria present in the soil converts atmospheric nitrogen to water soluble compounds
  5. 8. Saprotrophic nutrition
  6. 9. Symbiotic relationship
  7. 10. Grows in moist spaces
  8. 12. Part of the Sunflower plant which stores oil
  9. 16. Green plants
  10. 17. They obtain nutrition from decaying plant or animal
  11. 18. Partial parasitic plant