  1. 4. Traps the energy of sunlight
  2. 6. Element required by the plant to synthesise Protein
  3. 7. Gas that is produced during photosynthesis
  4. 8. The apex of the leaf in the pitcher plant
  5. 9. Bacteria that converts atmospheric nitrogen into soluble form of Nitrogen
  6. 11. An edible fungi
  7. 13. Tiny pores present on the surface of the leaves
  8. 15. Symbiotic plant
  9. 17. Leguminous plant
  10. 18. Kitchen of the plant
  1. 1. Organisms that derive its nutrition in solution form from dead and decaying matter
  2. 2. Ultimate source of food
  3. 3. Jelly like substance within the cell
  4. 5. Water and minerals enters the leaf through these vessels
  5. 6. Mode of taking food and its utilisation
  6. 10. A parasitic plant
  7. 12. Food produced by the leaf is ultimately stored as
  8. 14. Slimy green patches on stagnant water bodies
  9. 16. Tiny units of living organism