  1. 2. example of parasitic plant.
  2. 3. the organisms that derive nutrition from dead or decaying organic matter.
  3. 6. process by which green plants manufacture food in the presence of sunlight.
  4. 11. symbiotic relationship between fungi and alga called____
  5. 12. tiny apertures present on the surface of leaves for gaseous exchange.
  6. 13. insectivorous plant
  1. 1. the mode of taking food by an organism.
  2. 4. the mode of nutrition in which organism make food themselves.
  3. 5. conducting tissue in the plants for transportation of water and minerals.
  4. 7. this gas is released during phtosynthesis.
  5. 8. two organisms living together in a mutually beneficial relationship.
  6. 9. cell organelles that contain the green pigment chlorophyll.
  7. 10. green pigment in leaves.