Nutrition in Plants

  1. 3. glucose stored as ... in plants
  2. 5. waxy layer to prevent water loss
  3. 8. test for sugar in plants
  4. 10. most number of chloroplasts found here
  5. 12. 2nd highest number of chloroplasts found here
  6. 13. positions the leaf blade for maximum absorption of light
  7. 14. found in the leaf vein/vascular bundle (transport food)
  1. 1. process whereby plants make food
  2. 2. found in the leaf vein/vascular bundle (transport water)
  3. 4. also known as leaf blade
  4. 6. gas taken in during making food
  5. 7. pigment required to absorb light energy
  6. 9. gas given out during making food
  7. 11. opening found in the leaf lower epidermis