  1. 3. another name for dodder
  2. 4. an example of partial parasite
  3. 8. structures containing chlorophyll
  4. 11. disc-like shaped structures found in chloroplasts
  5. 12. the tiny pores found underside a leaf
  6. 13. meaning of the word 'Auto'
  1. 1. the bacteria that turns atmospheric nitrogen into water soluble compunds
  2. 2. the form food stored by autotrophs in leaves,stems,branches etc
  3. 3. the colour starch turns when mixed with iodine
  4. 5. conducting tissue transporting the food manufactured to others parts of the plant
  5. 6. cells that control opening and closing of stomata
  6. 7. another name for saprotrophs
  7. 9. the aqueous liquid that keeps the grana together
  8. 10. the stacks of thylakoid
  9. 12. conducting tissue transporting water and minerals from roots to other parts of plant