Nutrition in Plants

  1. 3. the process by which green plants make their own food
  2. 5. the mode of nutrition where two different organisms work for their mutual benefit
  3. 8. they control opening and closing of stomata
  4. 11. the mode of nutrition where green plants make their own food
  5. 12. an example of a parasitic plant
  6. 13. the water and minerals absorbed by the plants and are to leaves
  1. 1. this can absorb carbon dioxide
  2. 2. leaves take in carbon dioxide through their tiny pores
  3. 4. can convert atmospheric nitrogen into water-soluble compounds.
  4. 6. the cells of green leaves and young stems of plants contain numerous green structures
  5. 7. organisms that live in or on other living organisms and derive their food from them
  6. 9. plants that live on dead and decaying plants and animals and derive their food from them
  7. 10. the plant in which the insect enters and the lid closes to trap the insect