nutrition in plants

  1. 3. relationship 2 organisms working together for their mutual benefit
  2. 5. organisms which live in or on other living organisms and derive their food from them
  3. 8. organisms which depend directly or indirectly on dead or decaying matter
  4. 9. bacteria which converts atmospheric nitrogen into water - soluble compounds
  5. 10. cells of green leaves and young stems of plants contain numerous green structures
  6. 11. the process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body
  1. 1. , auto ******** and **** is self and feeding
  2. 2. plant from which a parasite gets its food
  3. 4. plants organisms which get nutrients by insects using ingenious methods
  4. 6. organisms which prepare food by their self
  5. 7. carbohydrates , fats , proteins , vitamins and minerals