~Nutrition in Plants~

  1. 3. A pigment present in plants which help in photosynthesis.
  2. 5. Cascuta (Amrbel) is an example of these types of plants.
  3. 7. What is the meaning of synthesis from the word photosynthesis?
  4. 10. The process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body is called _________.
  5. 11. What should be added to carbon dioxide, chlorophyll and sunlight to get glucose and oxygen?
  6. 12. __________ gets it food from dead and decaying matter.
  1. 1. Mushroom and Bread Mould are examples of ________ plants.
  2. 2. When iodine is added to starch it becomes _________ in colour.
  3. 4. We get most of our pulses from ______________ plants.
  4. 6. Which element is needed to be added to carbon, hydrogen and oxygen to make proteins?
  5. 8. All parasites are __________ in colour.
  6. 9. Which bacteria in the soil can convert atmospheric nitrogen into a soluble compound?