  1. 3. The symbiotic relation between fungus and algae is visible in _____________
  2. 4. The opening and closing of stomata are controlled by _____
  3. 5. The process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body
  4. 6. Organisms that directly or indirectly depend on green plants for nutrition
  5. 8. The green structures in plant cells
  6. 11. The balance between oxygen and carbon di oxide is maintained in the atmosphere by ______
  7. 13. The mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together for their mutual benefit
  8. 14. Organisms that make their own food from simple non-living substances
  9. 16. The tiny pores in the leaves
  1. 1. Pipe like structures that transport water and minerals in leaves
  2. 2. Pulses are called leguminous plants
  3. 7. The chloroplasts are green because of the presence of this substance
  4. 9. ____________ converts atmospheric nitrogen into soluble from that can be absorbed by plants
  5. 10. An example of a saprophyte
  6. 12. Organisms that live on dead plants and animals and derive their food from them
  7. 15. Organisms that live in or on another living thing