nutrition in plants

  1. 4. soil contains certain bacteria called__________that convert atmospheric nitrogen into water-soluble compounds
  2. 5. green plants are___________
  3. 8. animals depend on plants for their nutrition
  4. 9. the cells of green leaves and young stems of plants contain numerous green structure
  5. 10. fungi and bacteria that use this mode of nutrition are known as__________
  6. 11. the mode of nutition where two different organisms work together for their mutual benefit
  1. 1. takes in carbon dioxde from the air through tiny pores called_________
  2. 2. the chloroplasts are green because of the presence of the green pigment called________
  3. 3. the process of taking food by an organism and its utilization by the body is called__________
  4. 6. all-non green plants and animals are_________
  5. 7. __________contains nitrogen