  1. 2. the numerous openings found on the lower surface of the leaf
  2. 4. the pigment in plant that captures solar energy
  3. 6. the gas released during photosynthesis
  4. 7. a soft and white substances foung growing on decomposing materials during the rainy season
  5. 9. a plant that traps and feeds on insects
  6. 10. a plant that feeds on decomposing materials
  1. 1. the process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the bosy
  2. 3. the process carried out by plants to prepare food for themselves
  3. 5. the good and friendly relationship between 2 organisms
  4. 8. the plant from which a parasitic plant sucks its food
  5. 11. the bacteria present in the soil which converts the atmospheric nitrogen into the water soluble compounds to be absorbed by the plants