nutrition in plants

  1. 2. nutrition / greens plants make their own food
  2. 5. nutrition / animals and non-green plants depend directly or indirectly on plants for their nutrition
  3. 6. / process of making food by the plant
  4. 9. / the cells of green leaves and young stems of plants contain numerous green structures called
  5. 10. / non-green plants that derive food from other living organisms
  6. 11. / the water and minerals absorbed by the plants , transported to leaves trough pipe like-structures
  1. 1. / the plant from which a which a parasite gets its food from
  2. 3. plants / non-green plants that uses ingenious methods to catch its prey
  3. 4. cells / control of opening and closing of the stomata
  4. 7. / organisms that derive food from dead and decaying matter
  5. 8. nutrition / mutual beneficial relationship between two organisms
  6. 9. / green pigment in plants