nutrition in plants

  1. 2. leaves take in co2 from air through these tiny pores
  2. 3. a mutually beneficial relationship between organisms for nutrition
  3. 6. green structures in the cell of green leaves and young stems containing green structures
  4. 7. animals and non green plants that depend directly or indirectly on green plants for nutrition are called
  5. 8. the process of taking in food by organism and its utilization by the body
  6. 9. the mode of nutrition in which green plants make food themselves
  1. 1. some non-green plants that live on other living organisms and derive food from them
  2. 4. plants make food from co2 and water in the presence of sunlight by this process
  3. 5. some non green plants live on dead and decaying plants and animals are called
  4. 10. bacteria that can convert atmospheric nitrogen into water soluble compounds