nutrition in plants

  1. 2. photo = ________ synthesis = combination of components
  2. 6. the plant from which the parasites get its food
  3. 7. component of food made of carbon,hydrogen and oxygen
  4. 8. transports water, minerals etc from root to different parts of the plant.
  5. 9. bacteria that converts atmospheric nitrogen into water soluble compunds.
  6. 11. auto=_________ trophism =feeding
  7. 13. solution used to test for starch
  8. 14. ultimate source of energy for all living organisms
  1. 1. _________ is converted into starch
  2. 3. component of food that contains nitrogen
  3. 4. helps to keep the plant rigid and upright
  4. 5. energy of food is obtained by nutrition and __________
  5. 10. ___________ is released during photosynthesis
  6. 12. _______ of pitcher plant is modified into a trap