Nutrition in plants

  1. 2. tiny pores underside of the leaves
  2. 6. animals that depend on only plants
  3. 7. taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body
  4. 10. plant from which parasite get its food
  5. 11. vessels that transport water and minerals
  6. 12. process of making food by the plants
  7. 14. food synthesized during photosynthesis
  8. 15. structures in cells that contain chlorophyll
  9. 17. green pigment in plants
  10. 19. plants that live on dead and decaying plants and animals
  11. 20. green plants that prepare their own food
  1. 1. mutually beneficial relationship between two different kinds of organisms
  2. 3. cells that control the opening and closing of stomata
  3. 4. plants that are dependent on other plants for their food
  4. 5. ultimate source of energy for all living organisms
  5. 8. plants that consume insects
  6. 9. increases the fertility of the soil
  7. 13. animals and non-green plants that cannot prepare their own food
  8. 16. bacteria that converts atmospheric nitrogen into water soluble compounds
  9. 18. photo in photosynthesis refers to