Nutrition in the community

  1. 2. Food _____ increase the nutrition of the food without increasing its portion
  2. 5. Most oral nutritional supplements are _____ free
  3. 7. _____refers to lack of physical and/or economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food.
  4. 11. _____is a diabetic formula
  5. 13. Poor appetite and swallowing difficulty are common risk factors to _____.
  6. 14. Nutritional requirement and nutritional intake are affected by _____.
  1. 1. It is only ______ weight loss that we are concerned about!
  2. 3. Have small _____ meals when having poor appetite.
  3. 4. Nutrition Screening Tool is ____ to administer.
  4. 6. Early identification and intervention can help _____ malnutrition.
  5. 8. Changes in _____ is one way to assess if patient is malnourished or at risk of malnutrition.
  6. 9. Schedule ____ intake after meal to prevent being too full.
  7. 10. Include high ____ snacks in between meal
  8. 12. I can increase the nutrition by adding ______ into porridge
  9. 13. _______is one example of nourishing fluids