Nutrition Vocab Words

  1. 3. Dental
  2. 9. Double-Sugar
  3. 10. Enhances when added to something
  4. 11. influence behavior or mood
  5. 14. multibranched polysaccharide
  6. 15. sweet crystalline
  7. 18. Complex
  8. 19. The sum of Dietary and Added Fiber
  9. 20. Can't turn into a simple sugar
  10. 21. Consist of a number of sugars
  11. 22. Artifical_Sugar
  1. 1. GI
  2. 2. Dietary
  3. 4. Diabetes
  4. 5. tasteless powder
  5. 6. Purifed-Carbohydrates
  6. 7. Broken down quickly by the body using energy
  7. 8. biomolecule
  8. 12. A hormone produced in the pancreas
  9. 13. low blood sugar
  10. 16. Can't digest Milk Products
  11. 17. nutraceutical