Nutrition Vocabulary

  1. 7. The amount of food we eat at one time
  2. 8. A type of carbohydrate that helps with digestion and keeps us feeling full, found in foods like whole grains and vegetables
  3. 9. Eating a variety of foods from different food groups to get all the essential nutrients
  4. 10. A unit of energy in food
  5. 12. The amount of fat consumed in a day, including both healthy fats and unhealthy fats
  6. 13. The process of keeping the body properly hydrated by drinking enough water
  7. 14. The amount of water consumed daily, which is essential for overall health
  8. 16. A mineral found in salt that is needed in small amounts but too much can be harmful to help
  9. 18. A substance found in some drinks that can provide calories but has no nutritional value
  10. 19. Minerals that help regulate the body's fluid balance, found in foods like bananas and sports drinks
  11. 20. Nutrients that provide energy and help absorb vitamins, found in foods like oils and butter
  1. 1. A nutrient that helps build and repair body tissues, found in foods like meat, eggs, and beans
  2. 2. Unhealthy fats that are created through a process called hydrogenation, found in foods like margarine and fried foods
  3. 3. Fats that are solid at room temperature and can increase the risk of heart disease, found in foods like butter and fatty meats
  4. 4. A nutrient essential for growth and repair of body tissues, found in foods like meat, fish, and tofu
  5. 5. The study of how food and nutrients affect our health
  6. 6. Products taken in addition to regular food to provide extra nutrients
  7. 11. Simple carbohydrates found naturally in foods like fruits and added to processed foods like candy and soda
  8. 15. Nutrients that provide energy, found in foods like bread, pasta, and fruits
  9. 17. The chemical processes in the body that convert food into energy