
  1. 3. Important for growth and repairing of cells.
  2. 5. For a good balanced diet and body warmth.
  3. 6. Helps make strong bones.
  4. 10. Important source of energy.
  5. 13. Helps maintain nerve and muscle activity.
  1. 1. Needed for formation of red blood cells.
  2. 2. Is when you have to much excess body fat.
  3. 4. System Is a system of biological suctures within an organism that protects from disease.
  4. 7. It helps tansport oxygen from the lungs to the cells.
  5. 8. A substance that is made up of nutrients.
  6. 9. It helps the body tempreture and helps with the structure of cells.
  7. 10. It is a vital role in the body chemistry.
  8. 11. It is used for growth and maintaing a healthy body.
  9. 12. They are needed to keep the body working healthy.
  10. 14. Helps with muscle contraption its also know as salt.