
  1. 3. ___ ___ Vitamins that dissolve in water
  2. 6. ___ ___ is a world witde problem that causes anemia
  3. 9. get all protien from the small amounts of animal product they eat
  4. 10. Athletes need a diet high in ____ for extra energy
  5. 11. main form of energy storage
  6. 12. visual and conceptual tool for planning your diet
  7. 15. nutrients in food compare to energy food provides
  8. 17. chemical elements essential in small amounts
  9. 19. comes from milk and veggies and helps eyes and skin
  10. 20. another name for food with low nutrient density
  1. 1. is the state of not having enough health
  2. 2. list ingredients in foods
  3. 4. eat no animal products of any form
  4. 5. helps with dehydration
  5. 7. ___ ___ Vitamins can remain in the body for a long time
  6. 8. studey of food and the ways the body uses it
  7. 13. made of amino acids
  8. 14. comes from oranges and other citrus fruits
  9. 16. comes from leafy veggies and helps blood
  10. 18. recomended nutrient intakes that meet the needs of most healthy people
  11. 21. Helps you go number two