
  1. 3. organic elements found in all body fluids and tissues
  2. 5. classified as water soluble or fat soluble
  3. 7. fat the product that occurs when manufactures partially hydrogenate liquid oils
  4. 10. organic compounds classified as simple or complex
  5. 12. all liquids plus milk , puddings, veg juices
  6. 13. accounts for 50 to 60 percent of adults total body weight
  7. 14. nothing by mouth
  1. 1. affects visual acuity
  2. 2. insoluble in water and blood
  3. 4. delivery of nutrition via a large central vein
  4. 6. liguid nutritioin into upper intestinal track
  5. 8. required for the formation of all body structors
  6. 9. modified to make chewing/swallowing easier
  7. 10. jello, broth ice pops soda
  8. 11. males have higher due to large muscle mass