
  1. 3. A wave of musclar contraction to swallow
  2. 8. Teeth that cut soft food
  3. 12. Enzyne made in the salivary glands
  4. 15. Proteins that fuction as biological catalyst
  1. 1. Energy is measured in..
  2. 2. The hardest part of the tooth
  3. 3. Provides the material necessary for growth and the repair and maintenance of the body
  4. 4. Organ in wich absorption takes place
  5. 5. Chewed foood mixed with saliva
  6. 6. Digests protein
  7. 7. diet Diet that contains the right amont of nutrients
  8. 9. Found primrarily in milk and cheese, but also in vegetables
  9. 10. Rich in vitamin c
  10. 11. The one on the food pyramid you should select less
  11. 13. The action of taking food through the mouth
  12. 14. Where digestion beguins