
  1. 2. are needed in small amounts
  2. 4. is found in dairy products
  3. 6. this is matching input to output
  4. 7. a quick burst of energy
  5. 8. eating to much is called
  6. 12. breaks down fats
  7. 13. eat too many carbs and the body will store this as?
  8. 14. The bodies main source of energy
  1. 1. These aid in the process of digestion
  2. 3. breaks down proteins
  3. 4. this can be an adverse affect when dehydrated
  4. 5. eating not emough is called
  5. 9. power athletes might need more of this
  6. 10. most absorption takes place in the small intenstine through what?
  7. 11. breaks down carbohydrates