
  1. 4. This diet contains ingredients consist of standardised ingredients processed to form major nutrient groups
  2. 7. Is a very common nutritional disease in domestic pets and other housed animals
  3. 10. Diet consists mainly of meat
  4. 12. Usually associated with excess Vitamin A in the diet
  5. 13. Generally omnivorous and will be opportunistic feeders in the wild
  6. 14. Herbivores possessing multiple digestive tract compartments for feed breakdown before feed reaches the “true” stomach
  7. 15. A parasite found in warm blooded animals
  1. 1. Food intake is determined by gut-fill and not by total energy intake as with other animals
  2. 2. Some species specifically re-eat some faeces to improve digestion – rabbits, rodents
  3. 3. Primates and guinea pigs can not manufacture this vitamin
  4. 5. Maintenance food intake: 3 – 5 g/day (15% of bwt/day)
  5. 6. The chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life
  6. 8. Provide energy and can be converted into fat
  7. 9. Basal metabolic rate
  8. 11. Physical reduction of feed
  9. 14. Coprophagy provides microbial protein – prevents essential amino acid deficiencies