
  1. 2. to chop, blend, or grind food into a thick paste of baby food consistency
  2. 4. lack of interest
  3. 5. fluid that elminated wach day through urine, feces, and vomitus, as well as perspiration; also includes seuction material and wound drainage
  4. 7. the process of breaking down and transforming all nutrients that tenter the body to provide energy, growth. and maintenance
  5. 10. taking in and eliminating equal amount of fluid
  6. 11. substance in food that enables the body to use energy for metabolism
  7. 12. medications taht reducefluid volume in the body
  8. 13. a condition in which the body cannot eliminate the fluid consumed
  9. 16. a diet for people who have certain illnesses or conditions; also called theraputic or modified diet
  10. 17. a medical order that limits the amount of fluids a person takes in
  11. 19. the fluid a person consumes, also called input
  12. 20. the fluid a person consumes, also called intake
  1. 1. a measuring container for fluid volume
  2. 3. inability of the body to digest lactose, a type of sugar found in milk and other dairy products
  3. 6. the taking in and using of food by the body to maintain health
  4. 8. vegetarians who do not eat any animal procuts including, milk, cheese, other dairy items or eggs; vegans may also not use or wear any animal products, including wool, silk and leather
  5. 9. a medical order for a person to drink more fluids
  6. 14. cards that list residents' names and information about special diets, allergies, likes and dislikes, and any other dietary instructions
  7. 15. natural sugar
  8. 18. a period of time during which food is given up voluntarily