
  1. 2. what the human body is made of and wouldn't live without
  2. 4. found in rice, pasta and breads
  3. 7. measurement of the bodies requirement for energy
  4. 9. type of carbohydrate
  5. 11. common reason for weight gain
  6. 12. process by which substances are broken down to release energy
  7. 14. regulates amount of bodily fluids
  8. 15. another term for fats
  1. 1. what the human body cannot survive without
  2. 2. contraindication to dieting
  3. 3. waxy substance produced by the liver
  4. 5. disorder characterised by loss of appetite
  5. 6. found in all vegetable matter
  6. 8. what proteins are made of
  7. 10. defined as a body mass index greater than 30
  8. 13. calorie in to calorie out balance