
  1. 2. ___________ ___________ is the ability of the muscles to perform without fatigue
  2. 3. ________ ___________ is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure.
  3. 5. Include ________ exercise to improve cardio-respiratory endurance and body composition
  4. 6. Include ________ ____________ exercises to develop flexibility
  5. 8. ________ is an eating disorder, which a person binges and purges.
  6. 9. An ___________ ___________ is a mental disorder in which a person has a compelling need to starve, binge, or binge and purge.
  7. 11. F=Frequency, I=Intensity, T=Time, T=type is the _______ formula.
  8. 12. ___________ ___________ the maximum amount of force a muscle can produce in one effort
  9. 13. _________ is planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movements done to improve the components of physical fitness
  1. 1. ___________ ___________ the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen during sustained physical activity
  2. 3. ___________ ___________ the ability to perform physical activity and to meet the demands of daily living while being energetic and alert
  3. 4. ____________ is the ability to bend the joints through the full range of motion
  4. 7. Include __________ exercises to develop muscular strength and endurance
  5. 10. ___________ ___________ is an eating disorder involving self-starvation and being 15% or more below desirable weight.