
  1. 3. a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life
  2. 4. any of a class of naturally occurring solid inorganic substances with a characteristic crystalline form and a homogeneous chemical composition
  3. 9. An unhealthy substance, also known as trans fatty acid, made through the chemical process of hydrogenation of oils
  4. 10. a thread or filament from which a vegetable tissue, mineral substance, or textile is formed
  5. 13. Group group for wheat or any other cultivated cereal crop used as food.
  6. 16. Pyramid-guide to eating healthy
  7. 17. Cardiology A series of dietary recommendations from the Nutrition Committee of the Am Heart Assn, that promotes cardiovascular health.
  8. 20. a compound of the sterol type found in most body tissues, including the blood and the nerves
  9. 22. Group containing fruit (Ex. strawberries, apples, grapes)
  10. 25. the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 °C (now usually defined as 4.1868 joules)
  1. 1. a natural desire to satisfy a bodily need, especially for food
  2. 2. A fat that is liquid at room temperature and comes from a plant, such as olive, peanut, corn, cottonseed, sunflower, safflower, or soybean oil
  3. 5. a simple way to connect nutrients with calories
  4. 6. a colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organism
  5. 7. any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose. They contain hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as water and typically can be broken down to release energy in the animal body
  6. 8. any plant whose fruit, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs, stems, leaves, or flower parts are used as food, as the tomato, bean, beet, potato, onion, asparagus, spinach, or cauliflower
  7. 11. a person who does not eat meat, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons
  8. 12. Foods made from milk that have little to no calcium, such as cream cheese, cream, and butter, are not. Calcium-fortified soymilk (soy beverage) is also part of the Dairy Group
  9. 14. of a group of organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body
  10. 15. any of the categories into which different foods may be placed according to the type of nourishment they supply, such as carbohydrates or proteins
  11. 16. label showing which group of food goes where
  12. 18. a type of single-bond animal or vegetable fat, as that found in butter, meat, egg yolks, and coconut or palm oil, that in humans tends to increase cholesterol levels in the blood
  13. 19. the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth
  14. 21. a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with the desire to eat
  15. 23. used to cook food in
  16. 24. any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds that consist of large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, collagen, etc., and as enzymes and antibodies