
  1. 2. When the body is in good condition
  2. 6. Nutrients are ________________ to the body
  3. 7. Oranges, Strawberries, Apples
  4. 10. A waxy substance in the body
  5. 11. Mass Index What does BMI stand for
  6. 13. What we eat
  7. 19. No chemicals added
  8. 22. In the state of nature
  9. 23. Found in food and in the ground
  10. 25. We have 3 ----- a day
  11. 26. Another word for fats
  12. 28. Food gives you ___________
  13. 29. The drive for food
  1. 1. What is gained after eating and not excercising
  2. 3. An event affecting many people
  3. 4. The study of food and drink
  4. 5. Carrots, Potatos, Beans
  5. 7. working
  6. 8. A measure of energy
  7. 9. Controls the rate that energy burns
  8. 12. a group of compounds that are essential
  9. 14. Eggs and Chicken
  10. 15. System What fights infection in the body
  11. 16. An event that is unstable
  12. 17. Excercise that involve high intensity activities
  13. 18. Overweight
  14. 20. Makes bones strong and healthy
  15. 21. A dietry component; red meat, eggs
  16. 24. A plan of food
  17. 27. A sweet substance for the body