
  1. 1. Sticky deposit on teeth
  2. 2. Simple sugar
  3. 5. Regulatory substance produced in an organism
  4. 6. process that occurs within a living organism
  5. 8. Interactions of two or more substances
  6. 13. Acid Type of organic acid that creates protein
  7. 14. Adult Rickets
  8. 17. Rate Rate at which metabolism occurs
  9. 18. Process where molecules of solvent tend to pass through a semi permeable membrane
  10. 20. Produced as a immune defense
  11. 23. nourishments essential for growth
  12. 24. Obtaining food necessary for health
  13. 26. Connects throat to stomach
  14. 27. Vitamin C deficiency
  1. 1. Substance that has molecular structure
  2. 3. essential to formation of bile acids and vitamin D
  3. 4. Acid Carboxylic acid consisting of a hydrocarbon chain
  4. 7. Fluid that aids in digestion
  5. 9. deposited in tissues as carbohydrates
  6. 10. Act of breathing
  7. 11. Watery liquid secreted into mouth by glands
  8. 12. Breaking down of food
  9. 15. Protein Contains all essentail amino acids
  10. 16. Vitamin D deficiency
  11. 19. Organic substances vital to life
  12. 21. protein Lacking more essentail amino acids
  13. 22. inorganic elements needed by the body
  14. 25. Rotten food